Goals for Student Learning

The mission of the Department of Spanish and Portuguese is to provide our majors with a refined knowledge of the literatures, cultures, societies and politics of the Spanish and Portuguese-speaking worlds. To address the range of areas in which this expertise can potentially be deployed, the department offers four different tracks: 1. Spanish Language, Literature & Culture or Portuguese Language, Literature & Culture; 2. POR & SPA Language, Literature & Culture; 3. Interdisciplinary, which combines the target language and culture with another field; and 4. Creative Arts.

In response to the variety of interests and career goals of our students, we have expanded the range of course types and have opened perspectives for independent work. The diversity of the faculty’s approaches, as well as the preeminence of the multidisciplinary perspective represented by cultural studies, allow us to offer courses that include literary, cultural, visual, and political analysis, translation theory and practice, studies on diversity and inequality, creative writing, etc. In recent years, our students have successfully defended senior theses of the most diverse nature: e.g., cultural and literary research, journalistic chronicles, ethnography, creative writing, etc.

The academic itinerary of Spanish and Portuguese majors attends the following learning goals:

  • To acquire a sophisticated knowledge of the contextual and historical specificities of the target culture(s) and their linguistic circulation, as well as to understand their positioning and involvement in global cultural and social networks.
  • To master the necessary methodological tools to critically analyze the studied topics. These include but are not limited to literary close reading, film studies, and cultural analysis.
  • To acquire the research skills that are necessary to produce original and sophisticated pieces of work on the target topics. These include but are not limited to quantitative and qualitative analysis, development of archival research, and conduction of ethnographic work.
  • To become familiar with the main currents in critical theory, especially those produced and circulating in the regions studied. Also, to be able to apply critical theory and other secondary sources in the development of independent research, whether it is aimed at creative work or at a scholarly essay.
  • To use their acquired knowledge and skills to actively intervene in a field of expertise, whether in education, cultural institutions, public policy, or any other sector.


Students majoring in Spanish and/or Portuguese acquire a sophisticated knowledge of the literatures, cultures, societies and politics of the Spanish and Portuguese-speaking worlds. Such refined knowledge is invaluable nowadays for almost any career, in a global era in which mutual understanding and communication between cultures are paramount. 

Recent majors have taken up careers in law, government service, business, teaching, medicine, non-governmental agencies, and international affairs.

Advanced Placement

An Advanced Placement Examination in Spanish (Language and/or Literature) with a score of 5 or SAT Subject Test score of at least 760 is required to satisfy the A.B. foreign language requirement at entrance, or for admission to a 200-level course. A score of 7 on the higher-level IB test or a grade of A on the British A-level exam also fulfills the requirement. 


Students must complete the Spanish and/or Portuguese language requirements at Princeton or by taking the placement test. See the Spanish language sequence and the Portuguese language sequence. For a quick reference visit “How to Get Started” on the SPO website.

Declaration of Major

Before declaring a major in Spanish and/or Portuguese in April of sophomore year, please email the Director of Undergraduate Studies to set up an appointment. Majors automatically default into the Track 1 sub-plan (see track descriptions below). There will be an opportunity to elect a sub-plan during the declaration period, although the track may be changed at any time during junior or senior year by contacting the department's Undergraduate Administrator.

Early Major

Qualified students are encouraged to declare their major as early as possible in their sophomore year. In this way they can benefit from departmental advising on course selection, summer plans, and on the possibility of spending a semester or the whole junior year studying abroad.

Program of Study

Spanish majors 

Spanish majors are strongly advised to take one advanced language course (SPA 204-209 and SPA 307), unless the Director of Undergraduate Studies (in consultation with the language directors) determines that the respective student’s language skills do not warrant taking such course.

Portuguese majors 

Portuguese majors are required to take at least one 200-level POR course. Students cannot earn both a SPO major (in any track) and a SPO minor (regardless of the language of the major). Students interested in focusing both on Spanish and Portuguese may choose Track 2 for their major.

Study abroad 

With the approval of the Director of Undergraduate Studies, up to three courses taken during a semester abroad may count towards the major if the student is pursuing Track 1 or Track 2. Up to two courses per semester abroad may be counted towards the major if the student is pursuing Track 3 or Track 4.


Departmental courses cover a wide array of literary, cultural, social, historical, and political topics. Students are, therefore, able to pursue courses of study that are tailor-made to their own individual interests. The department offers four different tracks for majors:

Track 1 in Spanish Language, Literature & Culture OR Portuguese Language, Literature & Culture. 

OPTION 1: Eight SPA or cross-listed courses 

  1. At the 200-level, students are expected to progress by taking one advanced language course (SPA 204-209) and one “topics course” above SPA 209. 
  2. At least four courses at the 300 level or above.
  3. Up to two cross-listed courses taken in English (taught by a Spanish speaking faculty) can count towards the major, provided that all written work is completed in Spanish.
  4. One course in pre-1800 literature. 
  5. University regulations limit to 12 the number of departmental courses allowed to each student in his or her major.
  6. Up to three courses per semester abroad may be counted towards the major. Students intending to study abroad must contact the DUS with the description and syllabus of the Spanish course they intend to have counted towards the minor to make sure that such course is equivalent to a course offered at Princeton.

OPTION 2: Eight POR or cross-listed courses: 

  1. For students who start the Portuguese track at the language-level classes, one intermediate language-level class (107-109) can count towards the major
  2. At least one at the 200-level. 
  3. At least one at the 300-level or higher.
  4. Up to two cross-listed courses taken in English (taught by the Portuguese-speaking faculty) can count towards the major, provided that all written work is completed in Portuguese.
  5. Princeton summer abroad courses in Portugal/Cape Verde or Brazil offered by SPO count towards the requirement.
  6. Up to three courses per semester abroad may be counted towards the major. Students intending to study abroad must contact the DUS with the description and syllabus of the Portuguese course they intend to have counted towards the minor to make sure that such course is equivalent to a course offered at Princeton. 

Track 2 in Spanish and Portuguese Languages, Literatures & Cultures.

Five SPA courses AND three POR courses OR five POR courses AND three SPA courses. 

For Option 1: Five SPA courses and three POR courses.

  1. For SPA courses: students are expected to progress by taking one advanced language course (SPA 204-209) and one “topics course” above SPA 209. 
  2. At least two courses in SPA at the 300-level. 
  3. Up to two cross-listed courses taken in English can count towards the major, provided that all written work is completed in Spanish or Portuguese.
  4. Note that all Princeton summer courses offered by SPO count towards the requirement.
  5. Up to three courses per semester abroad may be counted towards the major. Students intending to study abroad must contact the DUS with the description and syllabus of the Spanish course they intend to have counted towards the minor to make sure that such course is equivalent to a course offered at Princeton.

For Option 2: Five POR courses and three SPA courses. 

  1. For students who start the Portuguese track at the language-level classes, one intermediate language-level class (107-109) can count towards the major
  2. At least one at the 200-level 
  3. At least one at the 300-level or higher.
  4. Up to two cross-listed courses taken in English can count towards the major, provided that all written work is completed in Portuguese.
  5. Princeton summer abroad courses in Portugal/Cape Verde or Brazil offered by SPO count towards the requirement.
  6. Up to three courses per semester abroad may be counted towards the major. Students intending to study abroad must contact the DUS with the description and syllabus of the Spanish or Portuguese course they intend to have counted towards the minor to make sure that such course is equivalent to a course offered at Princeton.

Track 3 - Interdisciplinary Track in Spanish or Portuguese.

Major in Spanish or Portuguese with another related field (e.g. Urban Studies, Architecture, Global Health & Health Policy, Environmental Studies, Humanistic Studies, Sociology, European Studies, International Studies, Latino Studies, Latin American Studies, Comparative Literature, History, Politics, Anthropology).

For Option 1: Five SPA courses and three courses in a secondary field. 

  1. For SPA courses: students are expected to progress by taking one advanced language course (SPA 204-209) and one “topics course” above SPA 209. 
  2. At least two courses in SPA at the 300-level. 
  3. Up to two cross-listed courses taken in English can count towards the major, provided that all written work is completed in Spanish.
  4. Note that all Princeton summer courses offered by SPO count towards the requirement.
  5. Up to two courses in SPA per semester abroad may be counted towards the major. Students intending to study abroad must contact the DUS with the description and syllabus of the Spanish course they intend to have counted towards the minor to make sure that such course is equivalent to a course offered at Princeton.
  6. Up to one course in the secondary field per semester abroad will count towards the major with the DUS from the secondary major’s approval. Students must contact the DUS of the secondary field with the description and syllabus of the Spanish course they intend to have counted towards the minor to make sure that such course is equivalent to a course offered at Princeton.

For Option 2: Five POR courses and three courses in a secondary field. 

  1. For POR courses: one intermediate language-level class (107-109) can count towards the major
  2. At least one at the 200-level 
  3. At least one at the 300-level or higher.
  4. Up to two cross-listed courses taken in English can count towards the major, provided that all written work is completed in Portuguese.
  5. Princeton summer abroad courses in Portugal/Cape Verde or Brazil offered by SPO count towards the requirement.
  6. Up to two courses in POR per semester abroad may be counted towards the major. Students intending to study abroad must contact the DUS with the description and syllabus of the Portuguese course they intend to have counted towards the minor to make sure that such course is equivalent to a course offered at Princeton
  7. Up to one course in the secondary field per semester abroad will count towards the major with the DUS from the secondary major’s approval. Students must contact the DUS of the secondary field with the description and syllabus of the Portuguese course they intend to have counted towards the minor to make sure that such course is equivalent to a course offered at Princeton.

Track 4 - Creative Arts Track in Spanish or Portuguese.

Major in Spanish or Portuguese with the creative arts (e.g. creative writing, theater, visual arts, translation).

For Option 1: Five SPA courses and three courses in the creative arts

  1. For SPA courses: students are expected to progress by taking one advanced language course (SPA 204-209) and one “topics course” above SPA 209. 
  2. At least two courses in SPA at the 300-level. 
  3. Up to two cross-listed courses taken in English can count towards the major, provided that all written work is completed in Spanish.
  4. Note that all Princeton summer courses offered by SPO count towards the requirement.
  5. Up to two courses in SPA per semester abroad may be counted towards the major. Students intending to study abroad must contact the DUS with the description and syllabus of the Spanish course they intend to have counted towards the minor to make sure that such course is equivalent to a course offered at Princeton.
  6. Up to one course in the Creative Arts per semester abroad will count towards the major with the approval of the DUS from the respective Creative Arts ProgramStudents must contact the DUS in the respective Creative Arts Program with the description and syllabus of the Spanish course they intend to have counted towards the minor to make sure that such course is equivalent to a course offered at Princeton.

For Option 2: Five POR courses and three courses in the creative arts. 

  1. For POR courses: one intermediate language-level class (107-109) can count towards the major
  2. At least one at the 200-level 
  3. At least one at the 300-level or higher.
  4. Up to two cross-listed courses taken in English can count towards the major, provided that all written work is completed in Portuguese.
  5. Princeton summer abroad courses in Portugal/Cape Verde or Brazil offered by SPO count towards the requirement.
  6. Up to two courses in POR per semester abroad may be counted towards the major. Students intending to study abroad must contact the DUS with the description and syllabus of the Spanish course they intend to have counted towards the minor to make sure that such course is equivalent to a course offered at Princeton
  7. Up to one course in the Creative Arts per semester abroad will count towards the major with the approval of the DUS from the respective Creative Arts ProgramStudents must contact the DUS in the respective Creative Arts Program with the description and syllabus of the Spanish course they intend to have counted towards the minor to make sure that such course is equivalent to a course offered at Princeton.
