Language tables are being added continuously as requests to host them come in. For the most updated information, please check the Princeton Center for Language Studies website and scroll down to Spanish or Portuguese tables information. Tables to start the second week of September.

Join a language table for good conversation, friendly people, and practice speaking in an informal setting.

Spanish Language Table Schedule

Email host (contact) to find out if the table is still happening on the date you choose to attend.

Check back for Spanish Language Tables next semester. Email [email protected] for details.

Portuguese Language Table Schedule

Email host (contact) to find out if the table is still happening on the date you choose to attend.

No content available to show.

Catalan Language Table Schedule

Email host (contact) to find out if the table is still happening on the date you choose to attend.

Check back for Spanish Language Tables next semester. Email [email protected] for details.

Language Table Photos

students in a dining hall gathered around a table

Spanish language table fall 2024 - NCW

students sitting around a table in dining hall

Portuguese language table fall 2024

students sitting around a table in dining hall

Catalan language table fall 2024