Estela Imigo Gueregat

Graduate Student

Estela Imigo is a Ph.D. Mapuche-williche student in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese and a Fulbright scholar. She holds a BA in Pedagogy in Language and communication, a MA in Contemporary Hispanic American Literature (summa cum laude) earned thanks to the support of the CONICyT scholarship, and a Diploma in Audiovisual Arts with a mention in Documentary Film.

Her M.A. dissertation, Lof ñi nütram, comunidad de la voz en la narrativa mapuche contemporánea, investigates relationships between narrative, memory, and oraliture in the contemporary Mapuche literature. As a result of her thesis work, she directed a FIC Valdivia (2022) exhibited documentary called Mareros, based on the book Pulotre by Bernardo Colipán.

Estela has been editor of Documentos Lingüísticos y Literarios Journal (UACh), Hacer Cantar la Maravilla (FCE Chile, 2022) and Poéticas Andino-amazónicas y del Wallmapu (2022). She also taught semiotic and indigenous literature courses at Universidad Austral de Chile.

Currently, her research focuses on the links between indigenous literature and cinema studies.