Angel G. Loureiro (Licenciado Filosofía, U. of Barcelona; Ph.D., U. of Pennsylvania) taught contemporary Spanish literature and film, and critical theory. Previously, he taught at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst and, as visiting professor, at Amherst College and Harvard University.
He has published articles on 18th and 19th century Spanish poetry, Valle Inclán, contemporary Spanish fiction, theory of autobiography, Spanish autobiography (Torres Villarroel, Blanco White, María Teresa León, Jorge Semprún, Juan Goytisolo, Francisco Umbral), Spanish culture, and theoretical issues.
His books include: The Ethics of Autobiography: Replacing the Subject in Modern Spain (2000) and Mentira y seducción: La trilogía fantástica de Torrente Ballester (1990). In addition to serving as guest editor of issues on autobiography for Anthropos (1991), Suplementos Anthropos (1992), and Journal of Interdisciplinary Literary Studies (1994), his work as editor includes: Joseph Blanco White, "The Examination of Blanco by White", Revista de Estudios Hispánicos (1999); El gran desafío. Autobiografía, feminismos, postmodernidad (1994); and Estelas, laberintos, nuevas sendas (Unamuno. Valle-Inclán. García Lorca. La Guerra Civil) (1988.)
- Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania
- Licenciado Filosofía, University of Barcelona