Adriana Merino

Senior Lecturer in Spanish and Portuguese
Office Phone
401 East Pyne
Office Hours
Monday: 1:30 pm-2:30 pm
Wednesday: 1:30 pm-2:30 pm

Office hours take place via Zoom. Office hours are also available by appointment for in-person meetings.



Adriana Merino is a Senior Lecturer with a Ph.D. in Foreign Languages and Linguistics from the UNED, Spain, graduated Summa Cum Laude. She holds a Master’s degree in Linguistics with a specialization in Discourse Analysis from UNCo, Argentina. Her extensive teaching portfolio includes Applied Linguistics, Methodology, Discourse Analysis, and professional development courses for educators. She has actively coordinated and mentored both undergraduate and graduate students.

Her scholarly pursuits involve Inter/Cross-cultural Pragmatics, with a keen interest in building intercultural
competence, enhancing second language (L2) oral interaction and fluency, as well as exploring L2 formative
assessment strategies. She is an advocate for Transformational Pedagogy and is skilled in utilizing ICT and AIpowered tools to enhance pedagogical approaches and to boost learners' oral language competencies.

As an L2 materials developer, she has authored two teachers' resource manuals and served as a co-author on the Princeton digital learning platform for Spanish courses 101, 102, and 103. She has contributed numerous articles to the fields of language instruction, discourse analysis, and pragmatics. In 2020, she received a Princeton Humanities Grant for educational innovation, which led to the development of a platform hosting a corpus of intercultural spoken interactions, aimed at advancing the teaching of pragmatics. In 2023, the McGraw Digital Pedagogy Project provided support to develop her project titled “Innovation in L2 Integrative Formative
Assessment: Scenario-Based e-Assessment (SBeA).”


  • Ph.D. in Foreign Languages and Linguistics from UNED in Spain
  • M.A. in Linguistics with a specialization in Discourse Analysis from UNC in Argentina

Selected Publications

Selected Publications in Refereed Journals

  • 2024 - Merino, A. Empathy-Building and Social Engagement: A Framework for Learning. In preparation.
  • 2024 - Merino, A. (2024) Evolución de la evaluación de L2: escenarios electrónicos e IA: un estudio exploratorio In: Thematic Volumen. Instituto Cervantes. In press.
  • 2019 - Liberating Language Learning: an online platform as an alternative to traditional textbooks. The FLTMAG. A magazine on technology integration in language teaching and learning. Co-authored with Faber, A., Holgado-Lage, A. & Zujevic, J. June 13, 2019.
  • 2012 - Meriño, A. El procesamiento oral de lo que no se dice, pero se comunica.  In Journal 52, Estudios de Lingüística Aplicada, UNAM, México. ISSN Impreso: 0185- 2647
  • 2008 - Meriño, A. A Strategic Approach to Oral Processing: From Theory to Practice - RELC A Journal for Language Teaching and Research in Southeast Asia.

Latest book chapter

  • 2023 - Merino, A. (2023) Co-constructing Emergent Common Ground: The role of the Intercultural Mediator. In Istvan Kecskes (Ed.) Common Ground in First Language and Intercultural Interaction.  Common Ground Volume, Mouton Series in Pragmatics. DeGruyter. Chapter 7: 135-168

Invited Speaker

  • 2023“Building Empathy and Social Justice. The Language Classroom: Introducing the Intercultural Empathy Learning Framework.” Invited Speaker (virtual). The 2nd Peace Pedagogy Summer School 2023. University of Sarajevo. September 20-22.
  • 2022 “Co-constructing Emergent Common Ground: The role of the Intercultural Mediator” The 8th Sorbonne, Paris- SUNY, Albany Graduate Student Symposium. State University of New York. April 19 & 20, 2022.