April 1, 2019

Azahara Palomeque, alumna of the Spanish and Portuguese Department, has recently published a new book of poems, R.I.P. (Rest in Plastic) (RiL Editores).

More information about the book can be found here.

Azahara Palomeque (El Sur, 1986) is a Spanish poet, writer, and educator. She is the author of the books R.I.P. (Rest in Plastic) (RiL Editores, 2019), En la Ceniza Blanca de las Encías (Isla de Siltolá, 2017), American Poems (Isla de Siltolá, 2015) and the bilingual chapbook El Diente del Lobo/The Wolf’s Tooth (Carmina in minima re, 2014). She has published poems and short stories in multiple literary journals; her work has been included in several anthologies, and has been partially translated into English and Greek. Palomeque graduated with a Ph.D. from the Spanish and Portuguese Department in 2017. She contributes regularly to El Periódico de Extremadura and can also be found on Instagram.