Dec. 21, 2022

Silvana Bishop, who has worked for the Department of Spanish and Portuguese (SPO) for over 18 years and is now retiring, was honored on December 9th at Palmer House, one of her favorite venues for the many departmental gatherings she has so carefully organized. After careful preparation and a not-so-surprise event for our honored guest, Silvana made an enthusiastic entrance with her signature ringing of the bell.

All in attendance were elated and welcomed her with cheers and praise. The entrance was followed by dinner over a rolling slide show of some of the most memorable moments which was created by the grad students to whom she so kindly and generously dedicated her time over the years.

Following dinner, Silvana gave a speech using poster cards featuring multiple notes of thanks ("gracias") to the

Silvana holding thank you sign

students who made her time at SPO so memorable and enjoyable. 

Please join us in congratulating her and wishing her a long and happy retirement!

Check the SPO Facebook page for more pictures and video of the celebration at Palmer House.