Apr 17, 2024, 12:00 pm1:20 pm
PLAS 3rd Floor Atrium, Burr Hall (open to students, faculty, visiting scholars & staff)



Event Description

En esta charla se analiza la trayectoria del editor Jorge Herralde y el proyecto y las políticas editoriales de la editorial Anagrama, que él funda en Barcelona, en 1969. Dos momentos claves en la historia de la editorial – primero, su rol como agente político durante el periodo de la transición española y, luego, el combate por la defensa de la edición independiente en los años noventa y dos mil – estructuran la exposición. En el transcurso de la charla, se discuten las políticas editoriales de la casa barcelonesa en esas dos coyunturas y el papel histórico que desempeñaron en la consolidación de una cierta idea de la edición independiente dentro ámbito español e hispanoamericano. 


Gustavo Guerrero (Caracas, 1957) is full professor of contemporary Latin American literature and cultural history, and director of the Master’s Program on Publishing Studies and Book History at CY Cergy-Paris University. During this time, he also works at the Gallimard House in Paris as head-editor for the Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American areas. Guerrero studied modern letters at the University of Paris III and received a doctorate in literary history and theory from the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS). He has written, published and edited more than a dozen essays and books on contemporary literature. Guerrero was visiting professor of the Latin American Studies Program at Princeton University in 2009 and 2010, at Cornell University in 2014, and at the University of Bern in 2018. He currently directs the interuniversity project MEDET LAT (mediation éditoriale, diffusion et traduction de la littérature latino-américaine en France) at the École Normale Supérieure of Paris and is co-responsible for the international DH project Online Critical Compendium of Lyric Poetry (2020-24) funded by the European Union and the Swiss National Fund for Scientific Research (FNS).

DISCUSSANT | Germán Labrador-Méndez, Spanish and Portuguese, Princeton University

MODERATOR | Javier Guerrero, Spanish and Portuguese, Princeton University

Lecture and discussion will be in Spanish.

This event is open to students, faculty, visiting scholars and staff.

Lunch will be available while supplies last.

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